Tune in Tuesday with Katelyn: A long way back to the light

tune in tuesday_summertimeOne thing I have learned through my recent musical experiences is that I really enjoy jaunty songs about heartbreak. Something about the contrast between happy music and sad lyrics fascinates me (which possibly makes me a twisted person…hmm…). So I heard this song on the radio yesterday and kind of fell in love with it! I don’t know if it really fits within the summertime theme, but it is a bouncy, high-energy tune that could conceivably evoke summer fun…so what the heck, I’m counting it. 🙂 Here’s Frank Turner with “Recovery”:

2 thoughts on “Tune in Tuesday with Katelyn: A long way back to the light

  1. talesofbooksandbands says:

    I completely agree with a few things you mentioned in this post. 1) I am also fascinated with happy songs with sad lyrics. They make you smile and dance around but the lyrics make you think. 2) I have found that a number of my summer tunes are not about summer at all but I find that anything with a bit of upbeat-ness to it makes me think of summer. Great choice this week 🙂

    • Christina says:

      1) I think I like the fact that the song is basically saying two opposing things at once. It’s so cool how music allows that kind of ambiguity. 2) I agree — upbeat = summery, to me! I always associate summer with freedom and cruising around town with the windows down. (Except, of course, my windows are never rolled down in the summer because it is too hot and I’m busy blasting the A/C!)

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